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You've just found the funniest place in the Universe.

Today's best comments
zlekrat66 points
day 15: still waiting for the guy to fall

kuno33 points
skrillex is kill

Who am I meeting in hell?

The_Commander32 points
f*ck twilight, f*ck anything related to twilight, f*ck anyone who posts anything...

Sekaso27 points
this joke might be even older than your mum

ncaldwell1528 points
I really want to see the conference that led to that: Yahoo Employee: what shal...

GrimeyGrime28 points
Someone's getting pussy tonight.

elcooleo24824 points
OH MAN!!! That looked like it hurt... took a while but the wipe out was brutal -...

zatoichi123422 points
-Skrillex is kill! -NO! -YES!

i drop myself cause it's to mainstream to drop the bass